Friday, February 18, 2011

Armenians Rally, Call for Egypt-Style Uprising

Friday, February 18th, 2011 at 8:00 pm UTC
Thousands of Armenian opposition supporters have rallied in the nation's capital, Yerevan, calling for the government to resign and for popular uprisings similar to those recently seen in the Middle East. Addressing the crowd gathered Friday in the capital's city center, opposition leader and former president Levon Ter-Petrosian compared Armenian President Serzh Sarkisyan to the deposed rulers of Tunisia and Egypt.
Mr. Ter-Petrosian said the plight of the people of Armenia is no better than that of the people of Tunisia and Egypt, and that Armenia's government is no less dictatorial and hated than the governments of those countries.
Opposition supporters are demonstrating against what they call social injustices, abuses and economic conditions in the country.
Meanwhile, the parties making up the government's ruling coalition showed their support for Mr. Sarkisyan on Thursday when they signed a memorandum supporting his re-election for a second term in 2013.
Rights groups and the opposition have accused President Sarkisyan and his government of ordering politically motivated trials in response to violent political unrest that occurred following his disputed election victory in 2008. Opposition members claimed the vote was rigged.
They also accuse authorities of failing to investigate widespread accusations that police used excessive force to crush the protests.