Tuesday, March 15, 2011

tech : Google introduces Smart Labels to sort your Gmail inbox

Since we all receive many emails per day, companies such as Google have found a way to help us organize our inbox. After Priority Inbox, the  latest addition to Gmail are Smart Labels.

As you probably know, Gmail already has an option that allows you to create your own labels and label your emails, but if you don’t want to do that, you can simply use Smart Labels that will do the job for you. It’s simple, Smart Labels have three types of labels; bulk, forums and notifications. It can sort all of your emails into these three categories. For example, emails labeled bulk are mass emails such as newsletters and promotions; notifications are account statements, and forums are group mailing lists that you receive emails from. If Smart Labels make a mistake, you can label email yourself or you can even inform Google so that they can improve this service in the future.