Monday, March 21, 2011
Libya: RAF Halts Mission To Protect Civilians-WTF.....!!!!
The Ministry of Defence said Sunday night's planned attack was called off as Tornado jets neared their undisclosed target.
Strategic communications officer Major General John Lorimer said: "As the RAF GR4 Tornados approached the target, further information came to light that identified a number of civilians within the intended target area.
"As a result the decision was taken not to launch weapons. This decision underlines the UK's commitment to the protection of civilians."
It followed terse comments by Arab League chief Amr Moussa who questioned the need for a heavy bombardment by US and European forces against Libyan targets.
Secretary General Of Arab League Amr Moussa
"What is happening in Libya differs from the aim of imposing a no-fly zone, and what we want is the protection of civilians and not the bombardment of more civilians," Egypt's state news agency quoted him as saying.
But Foreign Secretary William Hague said he had spoken to Mr Moussa on Monday morning and insisted the Arab League chief "continued to support the UN resolution" and "the implementation of the resolution".
"Of course he was expressing his concern, as we as all do, about any civilian casualities," Mr Hague added.
Meanwhile, Libyan state TV has shown pictures of hundreds of Libyans spending Sunday night camped out in the apparent compound of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi.
ozens of women and children were seen mixed alongside soldiers and protesters in a show of defiance against the coalition airstrikes.
The Libyan government said hundreds of people had offered to serve to act as human shields for the Libyan leader.
The International Committee of the Red Cross called on all sides in Libya - including the multi-national forces, Gaddafi's troops and the opposition - to abide by the principles of humanitarian law.
Its director-general, Yves Daccord, said: "Attacks that directly target the civilian population are strictly prohibited by international humanitarian law.
"That law also prohibits the use of human shields.