Sunday, March 6, 2011

know your rights : JPJ and summons

The Government provides payment discounts to suit today 10/3/2011. Please be informed that action is still wrong. The main issue is not the total payment for the compound or the fine of RM300 or RM150 or RM50. The main issue is, IS ONE THAT REALLY DO that the offense alleged ... SO THEY MUST PAY FINE?

It should be noted that in order to enforce a rule and law, an authority should also follow the rules and laws. Summons can not be deferred. If there are arrears then it is not a summons. The summons shall be submitted in the Court. The person being sued (OKS) to be delivered the summons and ordered to appear in court to answer the summons. If OKS pleaded guilty the court would order him to pay a fine of OKS. If the fine is paid, the suit is finished and will not be deferred. If the summons delivered to the OKS OKS but not present in court, the court will issue a warrant of arrest to prevent them attending court OKS. But the same process will occur that will be asked mangakui OKS errors or ask to talk. If admitted it will be ordered to pay a fine for the summons. But the suit was over. Not outstanding. If not claimed it will be heard. Depending on the decision of the court, if found guilty after trial, it will be ordered to pay fines. Done is the summons. If not guilty then the lapse is also summons. Not in arrears.

The question is why there are in arrears summons? The first answer is because summons was never brought to the Court. The second summons alleged that because the summons is not really, but notice alone.

Saman Ekor  is actually not a summons, but merely a notice to vehicle owners requesting information on the alleged speeding driver. This notice is also enclosed compound where the offer vehicle owners pleaded guilty. It is issued under Section 115 of the Road Transport Act 1987 or known to Notice 170A Pol. If the owner does not admit mistakes, the compound not be paid because the compound is an offer. If the owner fails to pay the owner of the compound should be summoned to appear in court to answer charges of driving more than hadlaju. Then the court explained before this would happen. But the suit and not in arrears to be completed. The problem arose when the authorities continued to punish the owners to pay the compound while the offense is not proved. Compound is not fine, but the offer. Activities overseas can only be produced and directed by the the Court. Non-police and non-RTD. This abuse of power and regulatory authority. They act exceeds the powers granted. They act as penghukum while the task was only in the Court

Thus to all people of Malaysia, know your rights, do not be fooled by the offer and oppression. Use your right ... COMPEL THERE WHO CAN PAY YOU SOMETHING THAT YOU DO NOT. You Can Change it.

How JPJ  can prevent renewal of road tax?

1) Section 17 (1) (d) of the Road Transport Act 1987 (Amendment) 2010

JPJ power to prevent a person to do any transactions, including road tax renewed, but after the JPJ is satisfied that an item is not finished with the JPJ and the police.

How the JPJ to be satisfied?

2) Section 17 (2) Road Transport Act 1987 (Amendment) 2010

JPJ should provide an opportunity to make representations. This means that JPJ shall inquire whether there is a pending matter. But all parties must present the vehicle owner, JPJ and police issued a summons. Should be investigated whether the suit is said to have the right person or not. It has been proved in mahakamh or not. If not, the JPJ can not blacklist. This purpose is satisfied

3) Section 17 (5) Road Transport Act 1987 (Amendment) 2010

If barred from the road tax renewed JPJ  Director shall notify the Director General of Transport, in which the Director General shall notify in writing within 14 days to vehicle owners about the restrictions made on the grounds of the owner. Whether this notice was issued to the owner?

If you are prevented from road tax renewed without a valid reason you can:

a) Ask for a written reason why you are blocked from the JPJ

b) Request for JPJ renew road tax reasons in writing immediately if it is not reasonable and proper.

c) If the JPJ refuses to comply with your request, you can sue / claim in the Court for damages and loss of use of your vehicle trouble because you can not use the vehicle.